Deciding to purchase a new kitchen will be undoubtedly one of the biggest purchases you will make for your home. To be able to have your dream kitchen to enjoy for years to come can be both exciting and completely overwhelming at the same time.
Theres lots to consider and take in so from the offset so its good to have an understanding and clear road map so your dreams can come to reality without any uneccessary stress.
KLR Interiors Studley believe you should be excited and inspired by the prospect of designing and installing your dream kitchen. By choosing to go with an independent specialist retailer it allows a personal touch and one you will reap benefit from.
A good place to start is at the beginning!
Right at the start of the process resist diving into social media accounts of kitchen refits and stop and think about your existing kitchen. Think about what you like and what you dont like. This will then allow you to draw up a pre-requisite list of whats important to you. An experienced kitchen designer will listen to your needs and design your kitchen accordingly. A great advantage of choosing a truly bespoke supplier is that you get what fits around you and not the other way round.
Everyone will have a unique check list when it comes to a new kitchen. Whatever your space or desire follow these top tips to set you up for success!

5. Lighting
Lighting can really cement the finishing touches to your new kitchen and aslo enable it to work even better for you. Choosing to have task lighting to aide preparation work alongside lighting in pantry cupboards will make working all the more easier.
Standard lighting such as under cupboard lighting will add ambience to the room which works well especilly when wanting to relax and unwind after a busy day.
Talk to your retailer about what lighting they can supply and how it will fit into your design – dont let it be a decision that gets overlooked which can easily happen at the start of the process.

With all of the above in mind at KLR Interiors we never lose sight that purhcasing a new kitchen should be an exciting time. Yes there is lots to consider and can carry a high price tag. In the hands of an experienced designer and installer which we are we will guide you through and ensure you get your dream kitchen which works well for you for years to come.
Get in touch with us today to start your journey with us and lets get excited!
Bespoke Kitchens
Bespoke Kitchens
Bespoke Kitchens
Bespoke Kitchens
Our Promise
If you would like to explore how our team can help your Kitchen, Bedroom, Home Office and Storage dreams come true – then contact us today.
KLR Interiors

21A Alcester Road
B80 7AG
T. 01527 850 027
M. 07815 089 558